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Available From January 26 2022 7:36 pm at Melbourne, Melbourne

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Pimples usually affect individuals during puberty and are less common in adulthood, especially after the age of 30. However, some people suffer from persistent acne, even in adulthood. Several reasons prevent acne from healings. One of which is a type of skin parasite called Demodex. Demodex parasites resemble tiny insects. Although they are invisible to the naked eye, they can clog skin pores, triggering the process of pimples formation. Acne occurs when the openings of hair follicles become clogged and blocked with oil and dead skin cells. Moreover, when many of these tiny parasites crawl on your skin, they are more likely to get stuck in the pores and clog them. ----------------------------------------- Demodex Mite Density Test Find Your Results in Just 5 Minutes! Most people have found the results of their Demodex population density by answering these carefully crafted questions.