Your Acne May Caused by a Mite

Available From February 18 2021 1:38 pm at Melbourne, Melbourne

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Your Acne May Caused by a Mite:
_ What Cause Acne?
_ In the previous post, we talked about acne - these unpleasant bumps – and said that acne occurs when the skin pores get blocked, and sebum and bacteria get trapped inside the follicle.
- This post will briefly explain what happens that these pores frequently get blocked in some people.
_ Although this is a very challenging issue and it is not yet known precisely, it seems that the following are involved:
• Oily skin: fried, oily foods, and greasy cosmetics or health products can lead to acne.
• Bacteria: These organisms use food sources, grow, and block pores by causing inflammation.
• Inflammation: Inflammation can be developed for various reasons and may lead the pores to get blocked.
• Demodex Mite: One of the most common causes of acne that can trigger the acne formation process in different ways. We will talk more about it in later posts.
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