The Role of Demodex in Creating Chalazion

Available From January 10 2021 3:51 am at North East, Delhi

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A chalazion is a chronic inflammation of the eyelid caused by obstruction of the meibomian glands. The disorder is mostly painless and causes a visible mass under the skin along with conjunctival hypertension. . _ About 25 to 40 meibomian glands are in the upper eyelid and 20 to 30 in the lower one. These glands secrete oil that mixes with tears and prevents eyes from drying. . _ Studies show that there is a strong correlation between Demodex and Chalazion. . _ Some of the proposed mechanisms are as follows: . _ The blockage of the oil glands' duct by Demodex mites (mainly Demodex brevis) leads to proliferation and hyperkeratinization of epithelial cells. _ Inflammation caused by the bacteria and fungi transmittal by Demodex to the oil glands. _ The host response to the presence of Demodex in the meibomian glands as a foreign body. _ Stimulation of the immune system by Demodex secretions. . _ If you suffer from frequent chalazion, Ungex helps you to solve this problem by controlling Demodex. . . #ungex #Demodex #blepharitis #Chalazion #Acne #Rosacea #Acne #Hair_Thinning #hair_loss #Itching #eczema #alopecia #Itching