Can You Feel Hard Mite Eggs Under The Skin?

Available From February 15 2021 11:35 am at New Delhi, Delhi

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Laying eggs - like other Arachnids -is how Demodex mite reproduces.
_After mating on the skin's surface, the female Demodex crawls toward the sebaceous glands and lays her eggs there. It is estimated that 50 to 60 eggs are laid at each spawning.
_Demodex eggs are heart-shaped and only 0.1 mm long. Therefore, they cannot be touched and felt under the skin.
_These eggs hatch into larvae after two days and a half. After hatching, hexapod larvae crawl toward the surface of the skin.
_The life cycle of Demodex is 14 to 16 days. This mite can mate and lay eggs several times during its life span.
_As you can see, with the high number of eggs and the short life cycle of Demodex, this organism population can increase rapidly. That is why the treatment of Demodicosis takes at least 3-4 months.
_Ungex's mission is to help eliminate all generations of Demodex mites, including their eggs.
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